954-749-4059 · 561-883-9291 · 407-282-8887

Street Performers

It's very nice to see young people using their time and talent for such positive endeavor. These young musicians play for the delight of everyone without expecting much in return. At the same time they get practice time for their own improvement and for playing in other venues. A big thanks and much respect for all street performers.

Homage to Elite Music Instruction first student

@AnthonyLaurella was Elite Music Instruction first student. He started playing the drums in 1996. Since then he has dedicated every day of his life to the drums. He went off to @BerkleeSchoolofMusic in Boston and came back to eventually become a #DrumTeacher for Elite Music Instruction. He has been in many bands in #SouthFlorida. The latest band being @LIveKillBand. Anthony, I could not be more proud of you. You are an #amazingperson. 
